Dreamscape ( A Dark Souls Story ) – Chapter 4

        “ Na'ah'ehye, goka’na'ah'ehye c'nilgh'ri. ”, Knight Merloch found himself trembling in a state of panic-driven mania, “ C'ah nilgh'ri mgepmgvulgtlagln ”. He spoke words belonging not to his own self, nor of his own tongue. Yet, these were his words without a shred of doubt, even oddly familiar, and the thought made him fearful, even... Continue Reading →

Raji : An Ancient Epic (Demo) – First Impressions.

Of Gods And Monsters, Man And Myth                 Raji : An Ancient Epic, an upcoming isometric RPG from Nodding Heads Games, seems more of a love letter to environmental storytelling than anything else I could find closer resemblance to. And while the short yet fulfilling Demo I played did feel inspired, the care that has... Continue Reading →

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