
“..Carrion..” “..Flesh, that feeds..” . *Hush, little lamb* “..Bound to the Old Blood..” . *Let it in, dream* .     The wretches bathe in the ulcers of their fool’s glory; no blade, no honor. But still cannot find what keeps them here, in this grave of orphans. There is no Mother to beckon them home; they... Continue Reading →


    “Sledger C/M-33U, state your command directive, and release your cargo.”     We were too late, the Galleon had been wiped clean. No trace of any survivors, couldn’t have been a Proxy Squadron attack, that. The air reeked of sulphur, and death, but where were the bodies?     “It was the Ripper, can’t be otherwise”, my Gunner swore... Continue Reading →


**A drip, and a drop..** I saw it. **A drip, and a drop..** Gaunt terror, stood above them, my...‘friends’. It..was beautiful. “What was..it?” Shadow, slender, human. “Crewman, what was it?” It killed everyone.. . “And yet here you are. Crewman, I will ask you again, what did you see?” . A puppet . “Pardon?” .... Continue Reading →


    “A mere precedence, Councillors, for we have but forgotten the sweet chill of death”     I flatter myself, and the formless presence enveloping me. They understand the necessity, they oblige and indulge to greater lengths than befits their stature, but I digress.     “We, who are beyond death, beyond the need to associate with lesser these patterns,... Continue Reading →


        “Mother..”, a light stain colors the doorway in odd, unearthly hue, “.. Mother is..”. There is a voice, a cackle, mayhaps a plea?     There are footsteps, pitiful shadows cast no gaze upon the sulphur breeze, greedily devouring any sound that tries to escape in vain.         “Mother..”, a cry for home, on a dying Moon. There... Continue Reading →


    “Somebody, in some way, will try to end this madness,”... ...a pitiful visage indeed. Messages from atop the cowards’ throne, to what extent might I have endured the lunacy? Was I...am I the bludgeon to smite clean the pustules of their progeny, its greed?     “Councillors, for your consideration” Yes, truly their salvation is bound to... Continue Reading →


    “A marionette, alien design; filthy to the touch, so vile, so repugnant.”    She is everything, and so much more, a dahlia bathed in growing hunger, and dread. She is still, as a metal puppet, dangling on broken strings.     “Like Her, ashen amidst the cold, dead wind”.     She is dressed in regalia, Old Earth putridity. Mother... Continue Reading →

Dreamscape ( A Dark Souls Story ) – Chapter 4

        “ Na'ah'ehye, goka’na'ah'ehye c'nilgh'ri. ”, Knight Merloch found himself trembling in a state of panic-driven mania, “ C'ah nilgh'ri mgepmgvulgtlagln ”. He spoke words belonging not to his own self, nor of his own tongue. Yet, these were his words without a shred of doubt, even oddly familiar, and the thought made him fearful, even... Continue Reading →

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